Brand colour palette play in progress

On my plate 01

Today morning, I have a colour palette on my plate. We set it for a services brand two years ago, and it needs some tweaking. It’s not quite working for the new initiatives the brand will undertake to fulfil its business goals. So I am giving myself two dedicated hours to play around, try a few variations and uplift it.

It reminds me of a client who once said I am too attentive with these details. It was a part compliment and part frustration that arises when one pushes you over the edge to be disciplined and follow guidelines.

‘Our attention is all that we are really selling to a customer’, I had retorted. ‘We better make them feel that they are getting it.’

Think about it. Attention to the customer (or a client) is not paid only during an active interaction. It’s also what you do when they are not watching. No amount of detailing ever goes to waste. In fact, it creates intangible experiences they desire.

On most mornings, my task list ranges the entire length and breadth of brand building and marketing, along with check-ins with BCS clients and the BCS team. This is an excerpt from today.

Nikita Vhora


Love wireframing on Figma but also love the traditional notebook and pen.

On My Plate 02

Today, a landing page sits on my plate to be perfected and shipped. To draw people to ‘sign up’ for a tech platform.

The team has put together the flow. I have to ensure impact.

I throw on my ‘creative strategist’ hat. And then the one that reads ‘business’. Finally, I rise to step into the target customers’ shoes and allow the critic to take over.

Edit. Tweak. Answer all questions the critic may have. Secure the first fold of the page to be an easy conversation over a small cup of coffee.

Check for authenticity. Check if the CTAs make me want to click. Listen to the sceptical voice—that is dying a faint death. Ship.

Now, of course, we’ll set up an A/B test.

People don’t buy from companies. People buy from people. And I bring this nuance to the forefront when I work with your business. I define how your brand should be perceived by organising your business based on this promise.

Most mornings, my task list ranges the entire length and breadth of brand building and marketing, along with check-ins with
BCS clients and the BCS team. This is an excerpt from today.

Nikita Vhora